Disclaimer about the links on my blog

I LOVE the products I promote and am an Affiliate, Ambassador, Consultant, Designer or Advisor with all of them because of it.
I receive a sales credit when you click through my links to make a purchase...and for this I thank you in advance!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can you believe I'm just now bloggin'?

I've been reading blogs all weekend to keep up with what is going on at Creative Memories' annual Showcase convention in MN and decided it was time to start one of my own.

My name is Adriana Sanson Mederos.  I'm also known as A, Adri, Babe, Biatch (it's happened), Daughter, Mom, Mommy, Mama, Scrapbookin' lady, Sister, Stepmom, and Zena.  I'm a mother of 2 young toddlers ages 3 & 5, stepmom to 2 young adults ages 20 & 17 and wife to an awesome husband.

Not real sure what I'm going to do with this blog, or even if I'm going to advertise it.  I can definitely see me sharing my passion for scrapbooking with Creative Memories since I've been doing that 'part time' for the past 10 years...and I'm sure my girls will share the spotlight with that passion, specially since the pages I make have them as starring roles!

I guess I'll just have to see where this takes us...other than spending even MORE time on the computer...my awesome husband will just LOVE that - LOL!