Disclaimer about the links on my blog

I LOVE the products I promote and am an Affiliate, Ambassador, Consultant, Designer or Advisor with all of them because of it.
I receive a sales credit when you click through my links to make a purchase...and for this I thank you in advance!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

2013 Holidays are over and it's time to get serious about working the new business.

Ahni & Zoe by Creative Memories.  Product line can be seen on my website www.ahni&zoe.com/adrianamederos.

Products are limited to a few fast to fabulous albums, coversets with slide in pages for horizontal, vertical or 12x12 papers.  Options are limited to assist people in buying and actually completing an album with their photos.

The inawink app isn't available yet...no date on when it will be...but it appears to have some GREAT features for people who don't do anything with photos other than take them.

If you got into digital scrapbooking thanks to CM, you can continue with me and my Panstoria software and art kits...but please contact me before buying anything so you understand what you are buying.

Scrapbooking retreat in Fort Lauderdale Friday, January 31 until Sunday, February 2 still has a few openings.