Disclaimer about the links on my blog

I LOVE the products I promote and am an Affiliate, Ambassador, Consultant, Designer or Advisor with all of them because of it.
I receive a sales credit when you click through my links to make a purchase...and for this I thank you in advance!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Holidays are almost here

We are offering some great deals on our new Forever Print Cards - make them in minutes, save $ and get them DONE!

www.forever.com/ambassador/adrianamederos and click on PRINT from the top menu.

Always check the Deals section at the top for the special promo codes, but here's what we have going on this month - PLEASE NOTE that the 40% off cards, will be available to all clients starting Friday!

If you are new to Forever, be sure to use the link above, confirm your email and you will receive a $10 coupon for your first order.